Navigating Career Transitions: The Power of Pro/Con Lists in Achieving Professional Wellness
Wellness, Career Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness, Career Debra Mueller, LCSW

Navigating Career Transitions: The Power of Pro/Con Lists in Achieving Professional Wellness

As you stand at the crossroads of your career, take the time to create a comprehensive Pro/Con List. Consider the impact on your professional fulfillment, work-life balance, stress levels, and long-term career goals. Acknowledge that professional wellness goes beyond financial success and encompasses mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

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Strategic Goal Setting: The Key to Career Success and Work-Life Balance
Career, Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Career, Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

Strategic Goal Setting: The Key to Career Success and Work-Life Balance

How in the world do you find an ideal career? It all starts with following any continuous improvement model…Once you have a better understanding of the problem and what needs to be changed, you can develop an action plan. Action steps for a SMART goal make up an action plan. So, first document your SMART goal. SMART goals are:

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Occupational Wellness: Why Finding Meaning in Your Work Matters
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

Occupational Wellness: Why Finding Meaning in Your Work Matters

When any dimension of wellness is neglected, it becomes challenging to attain holistic well-being. Occupational wellness, which involves finding satisfaction in work and maintaining work-life balance, is an integral part of overall well being. Rarely do we associate work with enjoyment, if ever. The good news is that it is absolutely possible to find joy in our work by making sure we’re in careers that meet our personal and professional goals with companies that have healthy work environments.

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The Importance of Sleep for Optimal Performance 
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

The Importance of Sleep for Optimal Performance 

The recommendation is that healthy adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. And yet, two-thirds of U.S. adults get less than seven hours. Perhaps that’s why almost half of U.S. workers report feeling tired during the day, and almost 7 out of 10 are tired by the time the workday is over.

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The Connection Between Nutrition and Productivity 
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

The Connection Between Nutrition and Productivity 

Building healthy eating habits doesn’t have to feel like a diet. It’s more about making better choices throughout the day. Consuming foods that boost energy and brain function and avoiding those foods that have the opposite effect will go a long way toward making you feel better.

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5 Ways to Manage Stress in the Workplace
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

5 Ways to Manage Stress in the Workplace

Stress in the workplace is an epidemic. The American Institute of Stress reports that 85% of American workers say they suffer from stress because of their jobs. And it's not just the workers who are suffering. U.S. employers lose around $300 billion every year as a direct result of stressed-out workers. The organization even reports that workplace stress results in 120,000 deaths every year.

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The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Business Professionals
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Business Professionals

There are many in-depth and scientific studies that have proved the positive health benefits of exercise, and more research is being done into the effects that exercise has on our cognitive function. What we do know is that incorporating regular exercise into your day can provide a list of benefits

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How Positive Thinking Impacts Your Business
Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW Wellness Debra Mueller, LCSW

How Positive Thinking Impacts Your Business

Positive people, in general, are happier, less stressed, better able to manage stressful situations, and live longer healthier lives. What’s more, positive people attract other positive people through their attitudes and energy. Negativity, on the other hand, repels positive people – which leads to fewer collaborations and the sharing of ideas.

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